Women Powering New Possibilities

for Sustainable Development in Nigeria!

Working Together Towards Women Inclusion For A New Nigeria

Big WINN 4 Development

As of 2022, Sub-Saharan Africa had closed 67.9 percent of its gender gap. This means females were, on average, some 32 percent less likely to have the same opportunities as males in the region. From a country perspective, performances varied greatly.

Nigeria has been ranked 123rd out of 146 countries on the 2022 global gender gap index, and moved up 16 places from its 139th ranking out of 156 countries in 2021.

Nigeria is ranked 123rd from an overall perspective but, on economic participation, the country sits at the 50th place. In terms of political participation, Nigeria is ranked 141st in the world; on health and survival, 70th; and in educational attainment, the country is on the 134th spot.

Nigeria is also ranked 27th in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2022, global gender gap index score for Nigeria was 0.64.

The Global Gender Gap Index measures gender-based gaps based on four dimensions: Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment. The highest possible score is one, which signifies total equality between women and men.

Focus Areas